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Top 10 Hotels in Manchester
Top Attractions in Manchester
As one of the most exciting places to visit in the UK, Manchester is bursting with unmissable moments to enjoy. Whether you’re looking for culture, sport, shopping, food and drink, or just good fun, this city has it all.
Feel the buzz of this vibrant destination, the iconic football teams, revolutionary history and cool neighbourhoods. Explore the city with the Visit Manchester Pass, unlocking exclusive access to top attractions, museums, and tours.
Discover the city’s fashion scene, with boutique and designer shopping districts, shopping centres and outlets, a thriving Jewellery Quarter, and the best of British department stores like Selfridges and Harvey Nichols. Manchester is ideal place to stay to explore more of the North of England and Wales. Extend your vacation and enjoy day trips to the beautiful and tranquil Lake District, or to nearby cities like Liverpool, Chester, and Durham.
Popular Districts in Manchester
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